What's Covered?
Manitoba Health pays physicians for medically necessary services provided to patients seen in the office/hospital etc. You may require some services that are not paid for under Manitoba Health- these are considered Uninsured Services. Examples include, but are not limited to:
Missed appointments - appointments which are missed or not cancelled with proper advance notice will be billed as an uninsured service. We will send you a courtesy appointment reminder via email or telephone, but ultimately it is your responsibility to attend your scheduled appointments. We require 1 full business day notice for cancellation of regular appointments, and 2 business days notice for cancellation of a specialist appointment. Repeated no shows may result in termination from a phsyician's practice.
Transfer of records
Drivers physicals
Employment physicals
Children's camp physicals
Completion of forms and certificates
Travel Advice and immunizations
Lakewood Medical Center non-insured fee list. We accept debit/cash payment.

Uninsured Services Price List